Why FormRecord Should Be Preferred Over FormGroup for Dynamically Adding Controls in Angular

Akash Kriplani
Geek Culture
Published in
2 min read5 days ago
Sample Angular form


When building dynamic forms in Angular, many developers instinctively reach for FormGroup, as it’s the more familiar option for managing form controls. However, with Angular 14, FormRecord was introduced, providing a cleaner, more flexible way to manage dynamic collections of form controls.

Here’s why FormRecord might be a better choice over FormGroup when dealing with dynamically added controls in your forms:

Better Fit for Dynamic Keys

FormGroup is great when you know your form control structure ahead of time. But what if your controls are based on dynamic, unknown keys? This is where FormRecord shines. It allows you to use an index signature for keys, making it easier to dynamically add controls.
Example: Imagine a scenario where you’re generating form controls based on a server response or user input. With FormGroup, you’d need to manage controls more manually, whereas FormRecord simplifies the process.

const formRecord = new FormRecord<FormControl>(new FormControl(''));

No Predefined Structure Required

With FormGroup, you typically define your controls ahead of time, which may not always be feasible in dynamic applications. FormRecord allows adding controls without predefined keys, making it ideal for dynamic forms that require flexibility.

Cleaner API for Dynamic Additions

Adding a new control to FormRecord is straightforward and requires less overhead. Instead of manually modifying an existing FormGroup and dealing with updates, FormRecord lets you add and manage form controls more fluidly.

Type Safety

FormRecord provides enhanced type safety. Since you can use a generic form control type for all dynamic controls, you ensure that each control conforms to the same structure, reducing potential runtime errors and improving maintainability

formRecord.addControl('your-dynamic-key-from-server', new FormControl(''));


As Angular evolves, more focus is being placed on reactive forms and handling dynamic data. FormRecord aligns with the future direction of the framework, offering a more scalable and robust solution for complex form scenarios.

When working with dynamic form controls in Angular, FormRecord is often the better option. Its flexibility, ease of adding controls, and type safety make it a great alternative to FormGroup. So, the next time you need to dynamically manage form controls, give FormRecord a try — you’ll likely find it simplifies your code and improves overall performance.


And there we have it. I hope you have found this article useful. Thank you for reading. Please feel free to provide your comments, suggestions, and any other feedback that may be helpful.

